Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Friday, 7/9/10. Meandering down I90E, we reflect back to our time in the West USA and how much we loved it and will miss it. Traveling by RV is the best, and guess by now we fit the RV people profile...except that we hesitate to display on our RV a carved wooden nameplate saying "Hi, we're Tim and Joan from Northport, NY." Just not there yet.

If you're in a mood to lollygag along the I90 corridor across SD, it has quite a trail of cutsey small towns. In Kennebec, a little treasure hunting in and around an old house.

Kimball is a town of 745 founded in 1880. FUN is the SD Tractor Museum where friendly guides point out historic farming relics and old machinery. Tim steps right in and explains how to operate the old relics and machinery.

Also on the site is a historic, one-room country schoolhouse.

Mitchell is one of the largest towns along I90 and yes, there's a Walmart! Also find Rondees Campground. Simple dinner of turkey, cheese and tomato sandwiches with barley vegetable soup.
RVTip#8 - Make sure you lock and secure all RV windows before the wheels start rolling. Tim's project today is patching a lost-to-the-wind window with corrugated material wrapped in duct tape.

Sat, 7/10/10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRICK! Have a great, special day--This photo is for you, XOXO

No trip to Mitchell is complete without checking out the famous Corn Palace. There's corn everywhere! Cornelius and other corn people, corn dogs, caramel popcorn, corn-on-the-cob, corn movies, corn murals... Each year a new decorating theme is chosen and the outside of the Palace is stripped. Bundles of grains are reattached. Over 1/2 million ears of corn are sawed in half and nailed to the building following artist patterns. Quite impressive!

Sioux Falls, SD's largest city, is that...a large city. Pass through and enter Minnesota! What the heck's in Minnesota? Depression and moodiness sets in with the both of us. Arrive at the 1st visitor center and spend over an hour figuring out which way to go. Hwy23N-- oh no, bumpity, bump roads and cornfields for miles.

RV campground in Pipestone is appealing. Info includes where to hide in the event of severe weather and tornados. Warnings are posted for tonight!

Chicken parmesean, garlic mashed potatoes, and caeser salad before the storm. Dark... continuous rolling thunder and lights in the sky. Think of drums and strobe lights. Never before experienced anything like it.

Sun, 7/11/10. Pipestone has many quaint churches. We pick Good Shepherd Ev. Lutheran Church. Paraphrased bible quote, "Where 2 or more are gathered in my name, I am there also..." in this case, 15. Join all of us for refreshments after the service?..sure! Thank you Pastor Windsperger! A lovely church..a wonderful service and social.

Historic town and quarry site is prized for its durable stone ranging from mottled pink to brick red in color. Check out antique shops and at 1:30 pm continue up bumpity bump Hwy23N. Stop in Helena --there's a super happening airshow!-- watch from RV while having lunch.

A town named Spicer! (again, my maiden name), and a winery!

The city of Spicer is on the west shore of 5,406 acre Green Lake. The Lakota Indians came to Spicer in 1760. Earliest European settlers came to the area in 1856--the village was platted in 1886 and named after site owner John M. Spicer. Lots of water, woods, and amenities.
Glacial Ridge Winery!! is in Spicer. Nationally recognized for award-winning wines. Wine tasting...great assortment...my favorites: Prairie Star, Jazzy, Green Lake Girl, Castle Red Rock. Yes, Brenda...bringing some home for you!
Bumpity bump (awful roads) through St. Cloud and pick St. Cloud/Clearwater RV Park. Wonderful facilities and setting, quiet, 5-star! Country ribs, baked potatoes and broccoli. Twin Cities in store for tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Bissons said...

I am cracking up looking at the corn picture! You two look like a bunch of kids! Enjoy-Jenny