Sunday, May 26, 2013


Milepost 437-  Deep glacier Muncho Lake...a secluded experience with unparalleled views of the jade green waters.  The color of the water is attributed to copper oxide leaching into the lake and it is still partially frozen with unusual ice chards.

Time to stop for lunch... overlooking Muncho Lake.
The next leg is crammed with beautiful mountain peaks, rushing waters and wildlife!
Milepost 496 - Where are the Liard Hot Springs?  At Liard Hot Springs Provincial Campground and that's where we set up for the night.   A short walk along a boardwalk trail crossing a wetlands environment leads to the pools.  Water temperatures range from 108 to 126 degrees. 


It's an amazing treat.  Delightful.  Naptime.
Soon after, dinner of leftover turkey with peas and carrots, pasta, onions and garlic.  Explore the marshlands. 
Sat, 5/25/2013.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!  Wishing you a special day... and thank you for passing along to me your adventurous spirit.  It is truly a wonderful way to journey through life.  Thinking of you,  we love you!
On the road at 8:30am......grizzly!
Milepost 635 - Watson's Lake is the gateway to adventure in Yukon (another province of Canada).  It's worth the stop at Signpost Forest.  Started in 1942 by US Army soldier Lindley who placed a sign pointing the way and stating the mileage to his hometown of Danville, Ill.  It now contains more than 70,000 visitor-donated signs. 
All day travel, changing landscapes, average temperature 70 degrees.  Next destination, Whitehorse, Yukon!

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