Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Monday-Tuesday, 6/14-15/10. What's that we see down the road from Sequim ? Why, it's a Walmart!..and a Home Depot, and a Costco. With STUFF on our to-buy list covered, we head for a seaport on the map, Port Towsend. This charming little victorian community on the Olympic Peninsula looks to be the perfect home base for a couple of days.

After registering at the Point Hudson Marina & RV Park, we explore the area and find Fort Worden State Park, a military base that was commissioned in 1902.

Today, the officers' quarters, barracks, and campgrounds have been restored. In 1982, it was the locale for the film, "An Officer and A Gentleman." Look familiar?

Grilled lamb chops sounds great for dinner, so we head back to our site, hook up and enjoy the views of Puget Sound. What an unusual piece of driftwood! Of course, we have to bring it home!

The next day we walk historic downtown Port Townsend. Shops, shops everywhere...enough to "shop 'til you drop." After an hour, Tim is so enthusiastic!? about shopping he suggests we stop for lunch for more shopping energy. So, OK.. we stop for calamari, chicken curry soup and salmon sandwiches (very good!) in a very charming restaurant overlooking the water. The meal gives Tim so much energy, he jogs back to the RV site. I continue shopping.

A nice sunset and a nice flame for roasting marshmellows.

RVTip#6: LADIES BEWARE! (and men with hair). When traveling for long periods, chemicals and minerals in the water you use for shampooing can do a number on your hair! Iron, copper, magnesium, lead, chlorine, etc = dry, color-stripped, brittle, tangled, friz (like a bird's nest). After repeated abuse, it's not pretty. Plan visits to hair salons during your travels or find a demineralizing shampoo and conditioner.

Wed, 6/16/10. First thing in the a.m...thank you Posh Hair Salon for bringing my hair back to life. At 12:30 p.m. we catch the 30 min. ferry to Keystone-Whidbey Island. Bye Port Townsend-- you were everything we hoped you would be.

Another 20 min. drive via 525SE to Clinton where we catch another 30 min. ferry to Mukilteo. Take 526E and I5N to Hwy2EAST! (EAST? does that mean heading back home?). It's a beautiful scenic drive through the Cascades-Mountain Pass.

Wenatchee River County Park in Monitor, Washington, is by the river and has full hook-ups and amenities. After the lights go out, it is audibly obvious that trains are also included.

Thurs and Friday, 6/17-18/10. "Over the river and through the woods, we roll right into Spokane. " Prior to... and during the 3-hr travel on Hwy 2E/97N, we see amazing rows of cherry orchards + eye-popping valleys and mountains.

Small towns are awesome... Tim talks to Paul Hinderer (not Helper, as he explains), born & raised in Waterville and he directs us to the Blue Rooster Bakery & Art Gallery. Fresh home-baked cinnabuns and dark-roasted coffee was incredible.

Cooley City looks cool so we stop for lunch--Joan's fresh hand-made turkey, cheese and tomato sandwiches on multigrain bread hit the spot. Tim checks out the fishing.

Spokane's slogan is "Near Nature, Near Perfect." Metropolitan was all we had time to see; however, minutes away, we arrive at the heart of hospitality -- Hello! FBINA fellow graduate and friend Lisa!, So good to see you and to meet your husband Chris and son Brian!

What a wonderful home and outdoor oasis you have created! Chris is a talented metal sculpture artist and his exquisite artwork is featured throughout.

Zack bounds out the RV to meet Zulu and Cosmos (standard poodles) and Tunka (Black Russian terrier). See Cosmo "smile" for a biscuit...priceless! A FUN evening catching up on stories and jokes.

Friday, 6/18/10. Thank you Lisa for Zack's red scarf that you designed, "Be Rescued, Be Loved." It is sure to be a big hit with others. We had an absolutely wonderful time--thank you for everything. Hope to see you in NY!

One last biscuit for the boys!

In the blink of an eye, we're in Idaho. Must stop for huckleberry milkshakes and Idaho potatoes! Following I90E through several Natl Forests, we arrive in Montana.

Question: In what movie (starring Sean Connery) did one of the heroes (who died at the end) want to "go to Montana and become a cowboy" when he reached America? Answer at end of post (Erin should know this).

Montana has such rich looking land with green and earthy hills spotted with manicured farms. Continue through Missoula and Butte. Tired of the Interstate, so veer off on Rt. 2. Such a narrow and lonely road, but how picturesque!

Right smack dab in the middle of nowhere, we stumble upon Lewis & Clark State Park with an RV campground. That's where we will stay tonight. Grilled chicken, beets and broccoli for dinner. Mountains all around us. A quiet and clear, starry, starry night.

Answer to question above: Hunt for Red October.

1 comment:

PJ McQuade said...

Hi Dad & Joan,
Happy 4th of July! Have a great day.
More pics of Dr. Broccoli in the wild please - haha
Patrick & Daria